Food & Beverage

AI Driven Solutions for Food & Beverage Manufacturing

Reporting Food & Beverage
Carbon Emissions

Accurately report all emissions

Track, generate and report all your carbon emissions across your value chain with accurate and transparent data for compliance and auditability

Automatically capture emissions

Automatically capture scope 1, scope 2 and scope 3 emissions data at source to streamline emissions reporting and analysis

Get individual product line footprints

Understand the carbon footprint of your individual product lines to meet customer and end consumer demands


Managing Food & Beverage

Gain complete factory visibility

Gain comprehensive visibility into every aspect of your factory's production performance, so you can understand factory, line and machine efficiency

Identify production bottlenecks

Quickly pinpoint the causes of inefficiencies and bottlenecks for targeted and timely intervention

Maximise daily production units

Quickly identify opportunities to increase production, especially when scheduling changes


Energy Management
in Food & Beverage Manufacturing

Understand energy hotspots

Identify and pinpoint areas of high usage and implement targeted strategies to reduce wastage and lower energy overhead cost

Identify unproductive energy use

Identify energy use from unproductive activity, enabling you to eliminate energy inefficiencies and improve overall resource utilisation

Get actionable insights

Granular data capture and AI analytics drive actionable insights around your energy consumption helping you to manage your use


Success Stories

See how our customers have increased their sustainability

Deep Dives




Machine Monitoring in Manfacturing: A Complete Guide

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