Generating Real-Time Sustainability Data in Volkswagen AGVs

Dresden, Germany | 29th April 2024
VW AGVs Get AI Edge Devices: Energy Optimisation Project Moves Forward
The energy optimisation project with Volkswagen Sachsen and Die Gläserne Manufaktur, started by Mavarick and VW in February, has entered its next phase. During a site visit to Dresden, the teams installed the first edge devices into two automated guided vehicles (AGVs)

The Dresden visit had a tightly packed agenda, including a tour of the facility with a special focus on the AGVs and the challenges VW Sachsen would like to solve. In respect to their fleet of 57 AGVs, they aim to save energy, lower the factory’s carbon footprint, extend the AGV’s battery life and potentially also reduce the number of AGVs and charging points.
Assessing the Status
To assess the status quo, Mavarick had developed IOT devices to snugly fit into the AGVs prior to their visit. Together with specialists in the Dresden site, Paul Byrnes and Koen Jasper integrated the devices into the AGVs and established connectivity, so that data is transmitted for analysis.
“Our visit was truly exciting,” says Koen Jasper.
“We had already worked closely with the Volkswagen Sachsen team after the kick-off. So, it was great to get to know them in person. Their collaboration is key for us to deliver our proposal because they know the conditions on-site best. Thus, the integration worked really well, and together we also navigated unforeseen connectivity issues – so the devices are now transmitting data.”

Currently, data from two AGVs which run on different circuits are being captured. “During the installation, we validated the data with Volkswagen technicians,” Koen Jasper emphasises. “This ensures that the recorded data represents the action that the AGV is taking. For example, if it was charging, if it was idle, if it was delivering a load, or whether it was driving. We were able to validate that what we were seeing from a quantitative perspective mirrored what was happening. That was really, really fulfilling for both us and the Volkswagen team.”

More than On Track
In addition to the technical tasks, Mavarick also manages the project. “We are more than on track and can say that everybody in the project team, also from VW Sachsen’s side, is fully aware of everybody’s responsibility and who they can ask for what. Seeing the successful implementation really thrilled us and we are looking forward to analysing the data.”

Learn what our partners have to say about the project!
- To stay updated on the project's progress from Volkswagen's perspective, follow on LinkedIn:Dr Dirk Thieme
- EIT Manufacturing also published some information and background about the use case: Click Here!!
- Mavarick
- July 4, 2024